********************                    Wolstraat 31
                                        Antwerp 2000


Owner  : Dennis Tyfus
Distr. : BE - WGW
         DE - Repo Man
         FR - Bimbo Tower/Metamkine/
         GE - A Muaik/Rediktive Musiken/
         GR - Popart
         NE - Worm
         IT - Sounohm/Hundebiss/
         UK - Volcanic Tongue/Second Layer/Infinite Limits/
         US - Forced Exposure/ Mimaroglu Music Sales/Weirdo/Fusetron/
              Tedium House/Feeding Tube/
Style  : indie / breakcore / leftfield / noise / experimental / ambient /
         lo-fi / avantgarde / abstract / electonic / folk rock / pop rap /
         hip hop / disco / freestyle / acoustic / industrial / synth pop /
         concrete music / jazz rock / free improv / jazz / spoken / punk /
         non music / parody / psychedelic / field rec. / garage rock / post
         punk / new wave /

UE      001     [punk fanzine]                                                    .2003
UE      002     [punk fanzine]                                                    .2003
UE      003     [off-set printed book]                                            .2003
UE      004     TRUMANS WATER           THE ARTISHOCK MAN               7"EP      .2003
                The Artichoise Man / Cleaverising Beams // Shitrock Live
                / Boats , Haystack
                (Note : 7" , 300 copies)
UE      005     [stencil printed book]                                            .2004
UE      006     [t-shirt]                                                         .2004
UE      007     LUCKY DRAGONS & YACHTS  : RADIO SESSIONS                CDR       .2004

        1       Untitled                                        4:30
        2       Untitled                                        4:54
        3       Untitled                                        13:15
        4       Untitled                                        3:36
UE      008     AUGSBURGER TAFELCONFECT : HAMBURGER 8 EP                CDR       .2004

Fernfahreuberraschungstute / Confecthymne (Preserduft) / Herschredder Verschnitt /
(Note : CDR , 150 copies)
UE      009     [21st dec.2004 , event]                                 event     .2004

        1       Stijn Colson & Vaast Colson : Untitled          1:00
        2       Kevin Blechdom          Hard Knock              1:19
        3       DDV                     Tarzan Mark             1:16
        4       Lucky Dragons           Untitled                1:16
        5       Florence                Untitled                1:31
        6       Id M Theft Able         Untitled                0:10
        7       Die Egozentrischen 2    Der Materialist         3:50
        8       Brientje                Untitled                1:56
        9       Dry Weave               1, 2, 3, ...            1:39
        10      Mike Diana              Guts                    3:18
        11      Elise De Waard & Frans de Waard : Ballade       2:14
        12      RLW                     Untitled                0:10
        13      Mooner And Rosanna : Für Meine Lieben Gäste     2:39
        14      Steven Grietens         Johan Verminnen         0:28
        15      Lucky Dragons           Untitled                1:06
        16      Die Egozentrischen 2    Moderne Kunst           2:16
        17      RLW                     Untitled                1:27
        18      De Hondenkoekjesfabriek : Neuken Doe Je Zo      0:20
        19      Van Kurt                Johnanna Und Theresa    1:04
        20      Kevin Blechdom          Maybe                   2:16
        21      Bas Van Den Hurk        Untitled                0:38
        22      She Mowat               Untitled                4:44
        23      EEEE EEEE               I'm A Bum               1:20
        24      Vina                    Klein Kleuterke         0:57
        25      RLW                     Untitled                0:14
        26      Gintas K                Indrlite 040404         3:06
        27      Nuuj                    Untitled                1:10
        28      Gitte & Sanne           Ko De Papegaai          0:30
        29      Justis & Derek          Untitled                0:47
        30      Elise De Waard          Zingt                   0:53
        31      Lucky Dragons           Untitled                0:40
        32      EEEE EEEE               Drop The Gun            1:52
        33      Die Egozentrischen 2    Sprung Ins Ungewisse    1:32
        34      Id M Theft Able         Untitled                1:03
        35      RLW                     Untitled                0:52
        36      Lownoise                Untitled                0:13
        37      Daisy Ambach            Te Min Voor Anja        1:37
        38      Deborah                 Untitled                2:22
        39      Lownoise                Untitled                1:39
        40      Annemie Van Kerckhoven & Cyriel Van Kerckhoven
                : Lied Van Cor Vandergoten                      1:50
        41      Lucky Dragons           Untitled                0:35
        42      Kris Delacourt & Guy Delacourt:Dreft Blijft
                Drijven                                         1:12
        43      Carmina '89             Gloria In Excelcis Deo  2:09
        44      Lownoise                Untitled                2:06

(Note : CDR , 400 copies , + 44 p. of colourful kiddy drawings by D.Tyfus)
UE      011     BOB & LOU               THE BOB AND LOU TAPES           CDR       .2005

        1       12.03.92 21st Century Mix 13.12.04              14:21
        2       17.04.93 21st Century Mix 20.12.04              11:49
        3       26.11.92 21st Century Mix 27.12.04              6:59
        4       18.06.93 + 17.07.93 21st Century Mix 10.01.05   13:12
        5       14.06.91 21st Century Mix 10.01.05              9:04
        6       14.06.91 21st Century Mix 10.01.05              4:59
        7       31.12.92 21st Century Mix 10.01.05              8:54
        8       10.04.92 + 20.12.92 21st Century Mix 13.01.05   4:52
                (Note : CDR , 150 copies)
UE      012     FEAST WHISPERPANTS & PENIS TEA FLUSH : APT 2005!!       CDR       .2005

All Tomorrow's Parties / John Olson=Brian Wilson / Gij Zij Niet Vrij / A Worthy Robin
Hood / I Was Hated For My Spelly / Oprah.A Big Fat Cat In A Bag / Crying / Yo Wassup ,
I Think We're Alone Now / Jeremy
(Note : CDR , 150 copies)
UE      013     CASSIS CORNUTA : RECORDINGS FROM 1974 - 1999            2CD       .2005

CD 1    1-1     Negatie Van Nihilisme #13                       5:21
        1-2     Luistert U Noch (Picus Viridis Vibrator Mix)    4:57
        1-3     Het Smegma Van De Gebraden Zwaan Zingt (Live
                Op Radio Centraal - Fragment)                   8:19
        1-4     Ih Ih Ih (Fragment)                             2:54
        1-5     Enkele Blikken Op Spacelab (Live Op Radio
                Centraal - Fragment)                            19:05
        1-6     Cassis Cornuta In Wilrijk (Fragment)            5:22
        1-7     Dvreu                                           5:52
        1-8     Zwieie                                          3:41
        1-9     Pkdjsfh                                         1:05
        1-10    Mlopri                                          1:34
        1-11    Pling Pling                                     18:26
CD 2    2-1     Sonate No 1 Voor Telefoonbel (Fragment)         13:50
        2-2     Echo Mic (Fragment)                             1:00
        2-3     Echo Mic (Fragment)                             0:57
        2-4     Het Dolgedraaide Decap Orgel (Live In De
                Burggracht En Op Radio Centraal - Fragment)     10:52
        2-5     1 Mei (Fragment)                                6:21
        2-6     Live In Palm Beach Bar, Vishakapatnam, India
                (Fragment)                                      10:02
        2-7     Magnetisch Concert Remix 4 (Fragment)           0:30
        2-8     K (Fragment)                                    0:30
        2-9     Muziekdoos (Fragment)                           3:33
        2-10    Sprew                                           2:16
        2-11    Live In Berlin (Fragment)                       5:15
        2-12    Live In Berlin (Fragment)                       2:42
        2-13    Live In Berlin (Fragment)                       0:29
        2-14    Live In Berlin (Fragment)                       4:00
                (Note : double CD , 200 copies)
UE      014     PYLON                   MIELIMMUSIIKKIA                 CDR       .2004

Pylon / Ohjauskoysi / Avaruusplaneetta / Pirrijat / Merirosvot / Leijuva Saurus / Laser
Kolmio / Laskeutumislaitteisto / Mustat Aukot / Laulavat Pyramidit / Sammal / Voimat /
Hapenpuutteesta / Venyvat Protonit / Kosminen Kolmio / Ilmasto
UE      015     [www.ultraeczema.com]                                   web       .2004
UE      016     CAN'T:Butterfly Collector // The Sun The Sky The World  7"        .2005
UE      017     BUFFLE                  BUMBLEBEE                       CDR       .2005

Bumblebee Pt.1 - Pt.6
(Note : CDR , live at Radio Antwerp , 14.5.2005)
UE      018     GUAM RIVER              THE NEW MAPS OF HELL            LP        .2005

The New Maps Of Hell
(Note : LP , 1-sided , 300 copies , B-side feat.silk-screened artwork by D.Tyfus)
UE      019     BRIAN RURYK             GUITAR STUCK IN BLADES OF FAN   CD        .2005

Untitled 1 - Untitled 25
UE      020     BOBBY COLOMBO           Forever // Always               7"        .2005
UE      021     FELIX KUBIN             IDIOTEN MUSIK                   7"        .2005
                Idiotenmusik 1 / 2 // 3
UE      022     TORTURING NURSE         NONTACKY                        CDR       .2005
                Nontacky (23:26)
UE      023     PEWTR TRUST/PUMICE      SPLIT                           CDR       .2005
                PEWTR TRUST             The Continuum Subverted
                                        Unevitable Death Of Formula
                                        Friends Are Liquid
                PUMICE                  Pudding Stone/Wild Dogs
                                        The Abominable
UE      024     FAT WORM OF ERROR       FAT WORM OF ERROR               7"        .2006
                ##############S // Plateaus
UE      025     LUDO MICH : MUSIC FROM FILMS BY LUDO MICH               LP        .2005

Music From The "Saturnus" Performance //// Music From The Film "Deus Ex Machina" /
Music From The Film "Saturnus"
(Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      027     DOORENDOORSLECHTE YELOOW SWANS                          mCD       .2005

        1       [untitled]                                      10:59
        2       [untitled]                                      9:48 
UE      028     TOMUTONTTU              TOMUTONTTU                      LP        .2006

        A       [untitled]
        B       [untitled]
UE      029     LIED MUSIC VS. BOY-BAND TAX RETIRNS                     LP        .2006

        A1      [untitled]
        A2      [untitled]
        A3      [untitled]
        A4      [untitled]
        A5      [untitled]
        B1      [untitled]
        B2      [untitled]
        B3      [untitled]
        B4      [untitled]
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      030     WOLF EYES               GUILLOTINE KEYS                 LP      05.2006

        A       Guillotine Keys                                 13:16
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 400 red copies)
UE      031     CHRIS CORSANO AND PAUL FLAHERTY : FULL BOTTLE           LP        .2006
                Snakes And Rattles // Blanket Bombing / Church Music
UE      032     EDMOND DE DEYSTER       SELECTIE O1                     LP      08.2006
                Reel 01 Excerpt 01 // Reel 02 Excerpt 01 / Reel 02 Excerpt
                02 / Reep 02 Excerpt 03
UE      033     GREG KELLEY/ALEX NIELSON : GRAVESIDE DOLES              LP      08.2006

Blessing The Throat / Ringing The Devil's Knell / Graveside Doles //// Marble Day /
Ceremony Of The Keys
(Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      034     ENEMA SYRINGE           BOGENS MASSAGE INSTUTUT         LP      08.2006

Nan Hemma / Jag Kanner Ett Homo , Jag Kanner En Man / Nej , Jag Vill Inte! / Yeah Let's
Have A Disco //// Har Du varit Pa Bogens Massageininstitut / First Day / Oggy Mannen /
My War / Anita Hedin / Kumlakorv Falukorv / Hoppla Min Bruna Rand
(Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      035     CAN'T                   CAN'T                           LP      08.2006

Miracles Of Life / Night Showers / Secret Admirer / A Song About Love //// Nothing As
Real As It Felt / One Chance-Happy Futures
(Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      036     HATRED                  HATRED                          LP      11.2006

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
        B2      Untitled
        B3      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 500 copies)
UE      037     DANIEL PADDEN           THE ISSAC STORM                 LP      11.2006

        A1      Untitled                                        5:28
        A2      Untitled                                        5:58
        A3      Untitled                                        6:57
        B1      Untitled                                        5:39
        B2      Untitled                                        5:52
        B3      Untitled                                        5:09
                (Note : LP 400 copies)

        A       Day 1
        B       Day 2
                (Note : LP , 500 copies)
UE      039     BIRTH REFUSAL/CASSIS CORNUTA : Birth Refusal/Cassis     LP      02.2007
                (Note : 12" , 1-sided)
UE      040     BURNING STAR CORE       EVERYDAY WORLD OF BODIES        LP      02.2007

Shoot Me Out The Sky / Swimsuit 2006 / Beneath 2 World //// This Moon Will Be Your
Grave / Iltimate Surrender / In Love With A Promise / Ultimate Surrender 2
(Note : LP , silver-grey vinyl)
UE      041     EDMOND DE DEYSTER       SELECTIE 02                     LP      05.2008

Reel 03 Excerpt 01 / Reel 04 Excerpt 02 //// Reel 03 Excerpt 03 / Reel 04 Excerpt 01 /
Reel 03 Excerpt 02 / Reel 04 Excerpt 02 b
(Note : LP , 500 copies)
UE      042     HAIR POLICE             BLIND KINGDOM                   LP      05.2007
                Blind Kingdom
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 600 copies)
UE      043     VOMGRILL                VOMGRILL                        CDR     07.2007

Patatten / Vel Over Afgezet Been / Satijnglans Pummel / Ziegings Kumti / Dolschutter /
Een Kever Volgen Op Een Bruine Balk / Plasticienen Poppers / Tieriese Lieverd / Friet
Patat 'n Appelmoes / Tzijn Tahhers / Plezante Nonkol / Bruin Remspoor / Ambriage
                Frankie Traan / In De Bronx // Heidie
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      045     X 04                    LOST SIGNALS                    LP      08.2007

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 500 white copies)
UE      046     DENNIS TYFUS            0032(0)3 2934834                LP      08.2007

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        A3      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
        B2      Untitled
        B3      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      047     FRED BERVOETS : REIS NAAR EEN ONBEKEND EILAND           LP        .2007

        A       Reis Naar Een Onbekend Eiland
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 300 copies)

L'Oeuil Electrique / Going Home / Selfmade Rythm Box-Demonstration / Electrochoc ////
Electricity For One Loadspeaker / Heaven Blues / Airplane Sonata Pt.3 / The Graveyard
Bell-Messages From The Living Dead
UE      049     ERIC THIELEMANS         A SNARE IS A BELL               LP      03.2008

        A       Untitled
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 500 copies)
UE      050     [tattoo]                                                tattoo    .2008
UE      051     [t-shirt]                                               t-sh.     .2008
UE      052     [t-shirt]                                               t-sh.     .2008
UE      053     ANGST HASE PFEFFER NASE : GLISTENING INN                LP      05.2008

Jeersnips //// Horseshoe Crabmobile (With Little Doodoo Scoops) / Snorking That Gate /
Peacefulness-To Ride In On The Flap Of Rapscallion Wings / The Caterpillar Song /
Secret Song - Ooze That Girl
(Note : LP , 500 copies)
UE      054     [poster , A1]                                           poster    .2008
UE      055     [poster , A1]                                           poster    .2008
UE      056     SPACE CACTUS            2001: A SPACE CACTUS            LP      07.2008

        A       Untitled
        B       Untitled
                (Note : LP , 150 copies)
UE      057     JOHN WIESE              DRAMATIC ACCESSORIES            LP      03.2009

        A1      Untitled                                        2:54
        A2      Untitled                                        5:11
        A3      Untitled                                        0:15
        A4      Untitled                                        6:08
        B5      Untitled                                        7:55
        B6      Untitled                                        1:24
        B7      Untitled                                        5:09
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)

        A       Dylan Nyoukis           The Throat Is Pregnant
        B       Dennis Tyfus            Zangstondes
                (Note : LP , 250 copies)
UE      059     MENSTRUATION SISTERS    SHOULD SISTERS SUCK ?           LP      05.2009

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        A3      Untitled
        A4      Untitled
        A5      Untitled
        A6      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 300 copies)
UE      060     V / A                   DE NAGALM OP DE KOPF!           CD      03.2009

        1       Noise Nomads            Untitled                3:00
        2       Krystal Night           Zombi In The Night      2:17
        3       Hacky Packy Zac Sac     Born In The USA         3:04
        4       Mudboy : My Experience In America               2:20
        5       Cement Future           No Food After Midnight  2:49
        6       Happy Mother's Day, I Can't Read : Untitled     2:23
        7       Cards On My Cunt        Beat Me                 1:36
        8       Prurient                Green Lord              2:30
        9       Ex Members Of Josh Hydeman : Take It Away       0:44
        10      Cloaca / Vomgrill       Untitled                1:25
        11      X04                     Antelope                3:29
        12      Burning Star Core       Untitled                1:47
        13      Kites                   Fear Of Lent            2:18
        14      Defneg                  Untitled                2:06
        15      Tumble Cat Poof Poofy Poof : Music For Love
                Film #20499 & JV                                2:33
        16      Trashbusters            Een Week Lang Weed      2:46
        17      Anthro Rex              Gimme Some Cocaine      1:14
        18      Eric Boros              Binspark                3:02
        19      Bloated Ego & The Compliments : Sailin On       2:06
        20      Mouthus                 Marshes                 2:48
        21      Mixape Synb             Ethiope                 5:51
        22      Orphan Fairytale        Suicidal Childswing     3:05
        23      Unicorn Hard On         Sugar Mountain          2:02
        24      Muslux                  Untitled                1:51
        25      Grey Skull              Untitled                3:09
        26      Black Tie Rubber Pussy  : Untitled              2:52
        27      God Willing             Spring Water            1:47
        28      Bobby Colombo / Silver Cindy* / J.B. De Kunst
                : Jouie Jouiesse                                12:38
UE      061     LUC TUYMANS & MIROSLAV BALKA : CRAZY HORSES             LP      10.2008

        A       Untitled
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 500 copies)
UE      062     AVARUS                  TOOSASSA                        LP      08.2009

        A       Untitled
        B       Untitled
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)

        A1      Come Ravage The Rice In My Rug
        A2      Shep Makes Coffee
        A3      How So Ever Far
        A4      Not A Dry Eye In G-Unit
        B1      Amonia Blud
        B2      Legs N.Ahll & "Lucky" Lester Lickley Meet Sammy The One
                -Eyed Pirate... In The Dark !
        B3      Play Meaty For Me 	
        B4      Buttermouthed Buckslappers Of Fu Manchu
        B5      Saul Peels An Onion
        B6      The Circle With A Hole In The Middle
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      064     YELLOW BEARD            YELLOW BEARD                    LP        .2009

        A.      Untitled 1-14
        B.      Untitled 1-9
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      065     PULSE EMITTER           DECAYING SHIPS                  LP      01.2009

        A.      Untitled
        B.      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      066     WOUT VERCAMMEN          UNTITLED                        LP        .2009

        A1      Jour Fix At Factor 44, 25-10-2000
        A2      Jour Fix At Factor 44, 28-09-2005
        A3      27-09-2002
        A4      Km 1444 (Part 1), 21-05-1993
        B1      Black-Yellow-Red, Circa 1992
        B2      Jour Fix At Factor 44, 25-10-2000
        B3      Km 1444 (Part 2), 21-05-1993 
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      067     ORPHAN FAIRYTALE        LADYBIRD LABYRINTH              LP        .2009

        A1      Phantom Shapes
        A2      Happy Go Lucky
        A3      Crybaby Needs A Hanky
        B1      Bubble Memory
        B2      Glorious High
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      068     V / A                   LA BAMBA                        LP      02.2009

        A1      Sudden Infant           La Bamba                1:58
        A2      Floris Vanhoof          Paranormaalabamba       2:15
        A3      Angst Hase Pfeffer Nase : La Bamba              2:04
        A4      Bromptreb               Labambamixquatroclaves  0:59
        A5      Anla Courtis            Bamba Parina 845        2:31
        A6      Smack Music 7           La Bamba                3:01
        A7      Kommissar Hjuler        La Bamba                0:52
        A8      Mitt Land Och Leo       La Bamba                1:56
        A9      Human Hairs             La Bamba                2:01
        A10     Daniël De Wereldvermaarde Botanicus : La Bamba  1:51
        A11     Remörk                  La Bamba                1:56
        A12     Reijo Pami              La Bamba                2:00
        B1      Glands Of External Secretion : La Bamba         2:53
        B2      Jan Van Den Dobbelsteen : La Rambam             1:38
        B3      Rubber O Cement : Blah Bam Blah Take 5 Nov 3009 2:02
        B4      Ludo Mich               La Bamba                2:05
        B5      Mama Bär                La Bamba                2:57
        B6      Tomutonto               La Bamba                2:59
        B7      VVM* & Synthetic Voice Of Gaeoudjiparl Van Den
                Dobbelsteen, The : La Bamba                     1:54
        B8      Danielle Lemaire        La Bamba                2:00
        B9      Kraus                   La Bamba                2:00
        B10     Fricara Pacchu          La Bamba                2:50
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)

A1 Halo 10 (28-11-2008)
A2 Voor (28-11-2008)
A3 Claustrofilie (Originele Opname Nog Steeds Spoorloos, Reconstructie 2009)
B1 Ddadtaddadta (Voorbeschouwing Voor Optreden, 2007)
B2 Mag Ik Eens Even In Uw Broek Pissen? (Anticiperende Plaatvervangersmix, 5-5-2006)
B3 Normadem, Het Water Liep Onder En De Lucht Was Flauw (18-7-2005)
   (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      070     IDEA FIRE COMPANY       BEAUTY SCHOOL                   LP      04.2009

        A       Buzzbomb
        B       Beauty School
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      071     CHRIS CORSANO           ANOTHER DULL DAWN               LP      07.2009

        A1      Another Dull Dawn
        A2      Kittenish Gnawing, Part 1
        A3      The Threshing Machine
        A4      The Mistaken Reaction
        A5      The Drunken Doctor's Blunder Shrugged Away
        A6      The Anger Of Kings
        A7      Kittenish Gnawing, Part 2
        A8      The Frayed Elevator Cable
        B1      The Quick Collapse Of Ice
        B2      The Opaque Gasp
        B3      The Misread Altimeter
        B4      The Wreck
        B5      The Hurried Adze
        B6      The Knotted Silk Cord 	
        B7      The Chair Dustless In The Tiled Room
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)

        A.      Untitled 1-7
        B.      Untitled 1-7
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      073     GLANDS OF EXTERNAL SECRETION : MEAT RECEIVING           LP      01.2010

        A1      Venison
        A2      Sausage
        B1      Paté
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      074     [DENNIS TYFUS/VAAST COLSON : A ELLA LE GUSTA LA         book      .2010
                (Note : book , 240 p./500 copies)

        A       Claustrophobic Wreck                            18:22
        B       Claustrophobic Wreck                            16:10
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      076     LEO COOMANS : BASEMENT RECORDINGS 1978 - 1982           LP      01.2010

        A1      Aerosol
        A2      Watermuziek
        B1      Het Geraas En Het Gebral
        B2      Zonder Titel
        B3      Louie Louie
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      077     AGATHOCLES/SISSY SPACEK : UNPLEASANT SIZE 01            7"      04.2010

        A1      Agathocles              Electrifarce
        A2      Agathocles              Not A Bit
        A3      Agathocles              Muchas Cervezas En Mexico City
        A4      Agathocles              Only Friction
        A5      Agathocles              Too Fast
        A6      Agathocles              Paula
        A7      Agathocles              Ulkopuolinen
        A8      Agathocles              Gallows Eve
        A9      Agathocles              Muchas Tequilas En Mexico City
        A10     Agathocles              Financial Crisis
        B1      Sissy Spacek            Hammer Driver
        B2      Sissy Spacek            Mortar
        B3      Sissy Spacek            Doppler
        B4      Sissy Spacek            Not Room For The Weak
        B5      Sissy Spacek            Greeve
        B6      Sissy Spacek            Gutter Splint
        B7      Sissy Spacek            Word On The Street
        B8      Sissy Spacek            Miser Nacht
        B9      Sissy Spacek            No Spy
        B10     Sissy Spacek            Hand On The Wain
                (Note : 7" , 300 copies)
UE      078
UE      079
                (Note : 60 p.magazine)
UE      081     NOISE NOMADS            NOISE NOMADS                    LP      04.2010

        A.      Untitled
        B.      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      082     V / A                   POPCORN                         2LP     03.2010

LP 1    A1      Pavel Büchler           A Pip Of Popcorn
        A2      Hair Stylistics With Takuma Watanabe : Popcorn
        A3      RLW                     Corn Poop
        A4      Kian Sandalen           Popcorn
        A5      Burning Star Core       Popcorn
        A6      DSR Lines               Popkorner
        A7      Evil Moisture           Porn Cop
        A8      Nuslux                  Popcorn
        A9      Raionbashi              Maakt Popcorn
        A10     Hetero Skeleton         Popcorn
        A11     Vomgrill                Dopkaartleggen
        B1      Helm                    Popcorn
        B2      Attempt                 Popcorn
        B3      Helicoptere Sanglante   Popcorn
        B4      Dracula Lewis           Popcorn
        B5      Christophe Piette       Popcorn
        B6      Kip Prims               Kipcorn
        B7      White Circle Crime Club : Popcorn
        B8      Jacques Beloeil         Corny Pop
        B9      Spykes                  Poopcorn

LP 2    C1      Cryptic Report          Ravishing Toxic Popcorn Apostle
        C2      Autistik Youth          Popcorn
        C3      Remörk                  Untitled
        C4      Miaux                   Popcorn
        C5      Amon Düde V             Popcorn
        C6      Fantamatres             Poc
        C7      Ali Mio feat. Sultan Steven : Popcorn
        C8      Rani Bageria & Hanno Schnegg : Popcorn
        C9      Blood Stereo            Popcorn
        D1      My Land & Lion          Popcorn
        D2      Family Battle Snake     Popcorn
        D3      Three Legged Race               Popcorn
        D4      Daniel De Wereldvermaarde Botanicus : Popcorn
        D5      Rock And Roll Jackie & Nour Mobarack : Popcorn
        D6      Lucas Abela, Christopher Fleeger & Kevin Blechdom : Poopcorn
        D7      Heatsick                Melts In Your Mouth
        D8      Astral Social Club      Popcorn
        D9      Tarp                    Popcorn
        D10     Blaastaal               Popcorn
UE      083     FRIEDER BUTZMANN : I'm A 7 inch Single // I'm The       7"        .2010
                (Note : 7" , 200 hand-numbered copies)
UE      084     PIERRE ELITAIRE : De Schepper // Acid In M'n Oas        7"        .2010
                (Note : 7" , 200 hand-numbered copies)
UE      085     FLORIS VANHOOF          TIME SLIME                      LP        .2010

        A       Untitled                                        19:38
        B       Untitled                                        19:02
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      086     BIRDS OF DELAY          THE CUT                         LP        .2010

        A.      Untitled
        B.      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      087     EVIL MADNESS            CAFE CICAGO                     LP        .2010

        A1      Revealing The Future
        A2      Human Body Experience
        A3      Ancient Legendary Club Space
        A4      French Kiss
        A5      Alien In Flames
        A6      Hrafn Gunnlaugsson
        B1      Hotel Coco Bongo
        B2      The Magic Life Of Lady Mistress
        B3      Female Alien Fantasy
        B4      No More Ever More
        B5      Der Alte Mann Und Das Meer (Für Immer)
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      088     CASSIS CORNUTA : 25 JAAR DE GEBRADEN ZWAAN ZINGT        LP        .2010

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        A3      Untitled
        A4      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
        B2      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 250 copies)
UE      089     GEORGE TOET SMITS       ISOMOPOLIS.ICC                  LP      02.2011

        A1      "Tachism" Part 1, 2, 3
        A2      "The Prom" Part 1, 2, 3
        A3      "Automatic Rhythm" Part 1, 2, 3
        A4      Outro
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 200 copies)
UE      090
UE      091     BOB & LOU               5 TRACKS 1991 - 1993            LP      06.2011

        A1      Track One                                       8:21
        A2      Track Two                                       10:18
        A3      Track Three                                     3:19
        B1      Track Four                                      14:50
        B2      Track Five                                      8:26
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      092     [FREE PAPER-a free paper full of drawings,photo's,                .2011
                poetry text , etc. ; 3000 copies]
UE      093     VOM GRILL : RELAX MOST OF YOUR MUSCLES                  7"      11.2010

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        A3      Untitled
        A4      Untitled
        A5      Untitled
        A6      Untitled
        A7      Untitled
        A8      Untitled
        A9      Untitled
        A10     Untitled
        B1      Grootvader's Stempel
                (Note : 7" , 33.3 RPM , 200 hand-numb.copies)
UE      094     [DENNIS TYFUS : WEFEX SPWAY]                            book      .2011
                (Note : book , 500 copies)
UE      095     [DENNIS THIEFHUYS : OUDE WIJN IN NIEUWE ZAKKEN]         'zine     .2011
                (Note : magazine , 200 copies)
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)

        A1      Big S'extasy
        A2      Nihil Young On The Bitch
        A3      If You Be My Ball
        A4      Miracle Redneck
        A5      Hustler Power Electronics Convention
        B1      Prelude To Excretion
        B2      Childish Cheap Funeral
        B3      Living Without Shit
UE      097     REIJO PAMI : DREAMING OF BEING A TAMPON                 LP      04.2011

        A1      The Dutliver
        A2      Untitled
        A3      Horses
        A4      Stones
        A5      Internal Scrub
        A6      A Harmonica Full Of Shit
        A7      By The Outdoor Basin
        B1      Mora Nova
        B2      She's Got Rash
        B3      The Sea Of All Eyeballs That Ever Existed
        B4      Untitled
        B5      Dreaming Of Being A Tampon
        B6      In The Shadow Of The Crack
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      098     MIAUX                   MIAUX                           7"      04.2011
                22h44 // And The Nose
                (Note : 7" , 150 hand-numbered copies)
UE      099     MITTLAND OCH LEO        MYLAND AND LION                 7"      06.2011

        1a      Jupiter Festival
        2a      Spinning Tires
        1b      Sea Of Friends
        2b      Poly
                (Note : 7" , 200 hand-numbered copies)
UE      100
UE      101     GUST GILS               DE STEM                         LP      12.2012
                (Note : LP , 15 numb. copies)
UE      102     MARCEL VAN MAELE        I HATE MUAIC!!!!!               LP      05.2011

        A1      De Pantoffelheld
        A2      Dialoog
        A3      Keerpunt
        A4      Fragmenten Uit Dagboek Van Marcel
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 200 copies)
UE      103     VOM GRILL               FLAMING CREATURES TOUR CDR      CDR     06.2011

        1       Introduktie                                     2:01
        2       Cumming Over Alaska (Live In Finland)           15:45
        3       We Are Yours                                    4:42
        4       Ochtendmuil                                     1:44
        5       Prepare In Complementaire Kleuren               14:50
                (Note : CDr , 69 hand-numbered copies)
UE      104     BYRON COLEY & DENNIS : DAYS OF PLASMA, NIGHTS OF DRINK  book    10.2013
                (Note : 20 p. book , 200 copies)
UE      105     VON GRILL & REMORK      GARGLES FROM IPANEMA            10"       .2011
                (Note : 10" , 10 black/3 transp.copies)
UE      106     V / A                   FEVER                           LP+7"   09.2011

LP      A1      Body/Head               Fever
        A2      Rani Bageria & Nachtbote : Fieber
        A3      Irwin Badman            Kuume
        A4      Laundry Room Squelchers : Fever
        A5      Heather Leigh           Fresh Fever From The Skies
        A6      Kawaguchi Masami        Fever
        A7      Ninos Du Brasil         Fever
        A8      Smokers                 Feuer
        B1      Van De Moortel          Fever
        B2      Tabata Mitsuru          Fever
        B3      Tobaconists             Fever
        B4      Vastieuramen            Fever
        B5      Possessed Factory       Fever
        B6      Joshua Burkett          Fever
        B7      Preggy Peggy            Fever
        B8      Bridget Hayden          You Give Me Evils
        B9      Muddy Wauters           Fever

7"      C1      LVMM                    Fever
        C2      Kuupuu                  Kuume
        D1      DDV                     Koorts
                (Note : LP+ 7" , 200 copies)
UE      107     CASSIS CORTUNA : 26 JAAR DE GEBRADEN ZWAAN ZINGT        LP      08.2011

        A       Vraai - 1986
        B       Burn Your Sperm (Eindelijk Ook Eens Een Engelstalig Nummer)
                - 22•07•2011
                (Note : LP , 26 hand-numb.copies on clear vinyl)
UE      108     30 30 SECONDEN SPACECACTUS/30 SECONDEN CASSIS CORNUTA   5"        .2011

        A       Space Cactus : 30 Seconden Space Cactus (28.08.2003)
        B       Cassis Cornuta : 30 Seconden Cassis Cornuta (12.10.2003)
                (Note : 5" , 30 copies)
UE      109     VOM GRILL               PLAZIERIG GASTRAFT              5"        .2011
                (Note : 5" , 40 copies)
UE      110
UE      111
UE      112
UE      113
UE      114
UE      115
UE      116     MIAUX                   AERONAUT EP                     7"      04.2013

        1a      Aeronaut
        2a      Ow Shadow
        1b      Ellipsilon
        2b      Canyon Eye
                (Note : 7" , 200 hand-numbered copies on red vinyl)
UE      117     RENEE SIMONS            HOOFDREGELS                     5"      11.2011

        A       Pull Me Into Darkness
        B       Warm Portion
                (Note : 5" , 10 numb. copies)
UE      118     KRIS VANDERSTRAETEN     SOLO                            LP      01.2012

        A1      Abstract Een (One Take)
        A2      Abstract Twee (One Take)
        A3      Abstract Drie (One Take)
        B1      Abstract Vier (One Take)
        B2      Abstract Vijf (Bewerkte Versie Door Timo Van Luijk)
                (Note : LP , 150 hand-numbered copies)
UE      119     MAGISCH THEATER PRODUCTIONS : S/T                       LP      02.2012

        A       Chilliness Of These Sounds Is My Cell           20:13
        B       Mr Minimummuziek And Magthea, Made For A
                Painting Exhibition By Peter Braet              20:11
                (Note : LP , 250 copies)
UE      120     SEX BOYZ                Sex Boy // Forming              7"      02.2012
                (Note : 7" , 150 hand-numbered copies)
UE      121     REI HAYAMA              A CHILD GOES BURYING INSECTS    LP      04.2013

        A       A Child Goes Burying Dead Insects
                (Note : LP , 1-sided, 200 copies)
UE      122     [KOEK KOEK - magazine]                                  mag.      .2012
                (Note : magazine , 200 copies)
UE      123     ANNY DE DECKER & STELLA LOHAUS (opgejaagd door Dennis   5"        .2012
                Tyfus) : VLAAMSE BLOKFLUITEN NOS. 1 & 2
                (Note : 5" , 20 copies)
UE      124     BODY/HEAD : The Eyes , The Mouth // Night Of The Ocean  7"      02.2012
                (Note : 7" , 400 copies)
UE      125     [MSS Meesterd issue 1 , april 2012]                     'zine   04.2012
                (Note : magazine , 150 copies)
UE      126     [MSS Meesterd issue 2 , may 1212]                       'zine   05.2012
                (Note : magazine , 100 copies)
UE      127     [MSS Meesterd issue 3 , june 2012]                      'zine   06.2012
UE      128     [MSS Meesterd issue 4 , july 2012]                      'zine   07.2012
UE      129     [MSS Meesterd issue 5 , august 2012]                    'zine   08.2012
UE      130     CASSIS CORTUNA : 27 JAAR DE GEBRADEN ZWAAN ZINGT        CS      08.2012

        A.      Untitled
        B.      Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 35 copies)
UE      131     NINOS DU BRASIL         Tuppelo // Hjsa                 7"      09/2012
                (Note : 7" , 100 hand-numbered copies)
UE      132     CRIMPERS : POETRY FOR THE NORMAL-MAD                    7"      10.2012

        A.      Purpose Or Function P.67 / New Born Babe / Little Feet /
                Just A February 1154
        B.      Deadline / Silk Skin Lover / Tale Of Woe
UE      133     ZE BARBIES : LIVE AT CECIL 02.01.1981+DISCO             LP      10.2012

        A1      Panik (Guest Steve)
        A2      (Religion) Think!
        A3      Where's The Freeman's Land?
        A4      Are We Made For Here
        A5      Instrumental
        A6      Man Above, Woman Under
        B1      The Little Frustrated Boys
        B2      Jezuieten Lied
        B3      Nightfear
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      134     BERND LOHAUS            EL NACIMIENTO DEL HUEVO         LP      08.2013

        A       El Nacimiento Del Huevo
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 200 copies)
UE      135     [MSS Meesterd issue 6 . september 2012]                 'zine   09.2012
UE      136     [MSS Meesterd issue 7 , october 2012]                   'zine   10.2012
UE      137     [MSS Meesterd issue 8 , november 2012]                  'zine   11.2012
UE      138     DENNIS TYFUS            SUGAR MIMA                      7"        .2012

(Note : limited to only one copy, this single was made to celebrate the 26th Birthday
        of the Austrian artist Mima Schwahn)
UE      139
UE      140     [STADSLIMIET] SPACE                                               .2012

(Stadslimiet is a tiny artist space in the centre of Antwerp (Ernest van Dijckkaai 4)
ran by Vaast Colson and Dennis Tyfus.
The space is mainly used to present books, work, drinks, live shows and performances.
This space is Ultra Eczema 140, and Clean Press 22, all events are hidden behind
a comma)

        A1      Hippocosmos
        A2      Veronika
        A3      Kleine Caroli
        A4      April Am Rhein
        A5      Dagelijks Berezina
        A6      De Lente Heeft Niet Meer
        A7      De Geraniums
        B1      Exodus
        B2      Paul De Vree In Conversation With Alain Arias-Misson (Fragment)
                (Note : LP , 250 copies)
UE      142
UE      143     JOSHUA BURKETT          FOOTNOTE(S)                     LP      10.2013

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        A3      Untitled
        A4      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
        B2      Untitled
        B3      Untitled
        B4      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      144     RODGER STELLA           RESIN DRONES                    LP      11.2014

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
        B2      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      145     ORPHAN FAIRYTALE        SECRET BEACHES                  7"      04.2013

        A       Secret Beaches
        B       Fata Morgana
                (Note : 7" , 200 copies)
UE      147     DENNIS TYFUS/PETER FENGLER : Strijdliederen 1-36        7"      11.2012
                (Note : 7" , 1-sided ; cut into a 3D movie poster, 36
UE      148     VAAST COLSON            TEKSTWERK VOOR HOBOKEN          7"        .2012
UE      149     [Voor slechts seuventig % afspeelbaar box set of 10 self          .2013
                sliced records]

(Note : The first physical result (and co-release) in a series of colaborative works
        with Dutch (performance) artist Peter Fengler, a wooden box with a plastic
        window in it, a peep show of color and sound, although there's 10 different
        records in this box, every record looks different, all are hand cut, and made
        in the heath of the moment.limited to 10 copies)
UE      150     DENNIS TIEFHUYS : LEAST VOOR UIT "SNOEPERT" VAN RUUD    7"+bk   07.2013

        A.      De Garage Van Albert Total / Bustenhouder / Keienstrand
                / Papsie
        B.      Muzikale Onderbreking / Milde Irritatie / Caesarsalade /
                Je bent Me Er Eendje
                (Note : 7" + book)
UE      151     [MSS MEESTERD] issue 10 (januari 2013)                  'zine   01.2013
                (Note : 'zine , 20 p. , 120 copies)
UE      152     [MSS MEESTERD] issue 11 (februari 2013)                 'zine   02.2013

(Note : 'zine , limited to 150 copies, mono colour off set printed at de Wrikker)
UE      153     [MSS MEESTERD] issue 12 (march-april 2013)              'zine     .2013

(Note : 'zine limited to 200 copies + artist proofs, full colour off set printed at
        de Wrikker
UE      154     [DENNIS TYFUS & CANEDICODA] Liger                       t-sh.     .2014
                (Note : t-shirt , 30 copiec made)
UE      155     [DENNIS TYFUS & CANEDICODA] Paulino                     t-sh.     .2013
                (Note : t-shirt , 25 copies made)
UE      156     MATT KREFTING           LIPSTICK                        7"      08.2013

        a.      The Masks
        b.      In May
                (Note : 7" , 150 numbered copies)
UE      157     [DENNIS TYFUS & CANEDICODA]                             t-sh.     .2013
                (Note : t-shirt , 20 copies made)
UE      158     [DENNIS TYFUS] 6 buerke glasses                         box       .2013
                (Note : an edition of 6 "Buerke" beer glasses presented
                in a silkscreened box!)
UE      159     DENNIS TYFUS            ULTRA LION                      3LP       .2013
                (Note : 3LP , 1 copy!!!)

(Note : one red LP with only reggae bass line locked grooves, one yellow LP with only
        reggae vocal locked grooves and one green record with only reggae guitar locked
        grooves on it, played together it sounds like a reggae band that knows how to
        play but just can+t get it right..
        These 3 LP+s were part of the Ultra Lion exhibition at Kunstschlager in
        Reykjavik in Iceland (24/8 - 07/09/2013)
UE      160     [DENNIS TYFUS & JEF CUYPERS] OVENSCHOTELS               book      .2013
                (Note : book , 100 copies)
UE      161     DENNIS TYFUS:BLIKKEN VAN MSS PRIJZEN ISSUE 1 (12.2013)  7"      12.2013

        A.      Untitled
        B.      Untitled
                (Note : 7" , 200 copies)
UE      162
UE      163     SAMARA LUBELSKI         STRING CYCLE                    LP      04.2014

        A.      Routing One
        B.      Routing Two
                (Note : LP , 150 hand-numbered copies)
UE      164     [SOCCER TEAM]
UE      165     V / A                   CASSETTE VAN ANTWERPEN          CS      02.2014

        A1      Ria Pacquée             Hahaha
        A2      Miaux                   Nightlight
        A3      Joris Van De Moortel    4 Track
        A4      Dolphins Into The Future : Les Habits Neufs De L'Empereur
        A5      Remörk                  Van A
        A6      Beach                   Threesome
        A7      Cassis Cornuta          Untitled
        A8      W Ravenveer             Zombies In De Stad
        A9      Vom Grill : Vertraagd Tot Sterk Vertraagd Verkeer
        A10     Blaastaal               Les 55
        A11     Crimpers                Missing Item
        B1      Mittland Och Leo        Sleepers
        B2      Innercity               Ship To The Corn Cigar Fields
        B3      Steve Van Den Bosch     C355BEE
        B4      Possessed Factory       Very Much A Peak
        B5      A Dog Republic          Musical Excerpts
        B6      DSRlines                Coriolis
        B7      Orphan Fairytale        Secret Whale Graveyard
        B8      Mik Prims               Bezaaide Stranden
        B9      Smokers                 Always Driving Somewhere
        B10     Gerard Herman           Indianos
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
UE      166     B.P.                    KERSTMIS 1980                   LP      04.2014

        A1      Hello Turkey
        A2      My Way
        A3      Harmony
        B1      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 150 hand-numbered copies)
UE      168     DENNIS TYFUS : Karel De Meester telefoneert met het     7"        .2014
                kabinet van de schepen van cultuur van Antwerpen, Heylen,
                op 16 juli 2009
                (Note : 7" , 1-sided)
UE      169     IGNATZ & DE STERVENDE HONDEN : TEENAGE BOYS             LP      11.2014

        1       I Gotta Pee
        2       Teenage Boys
        3       Drinking Tea and Bloody Marys
        4       Japan Is Romantic
        5       I Need a Good Night's Sleep
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      170     MIAUX                   DIVE                            LP      11.2014

        1       Revolver
        2       Ghost
        3       Waves
        4       Reverie Parallele
        5       Neon Glow
        6       Mare Adriatico
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      171     [D.TYFUS & G.HERMAN] UE's Verhackertes Festival         poster    .2014
                (Note : A1 size poster for Ultra Eczema's Verhackertes
                Festival, 05/04/2014 at the Monty theatre in Antwerp.
                50 posters were silkscreened in 2 colors (+ stamped and
                numbered), the posters that did not get sold will be
UE      172     [D.TYFUS & V COLSON] TIJDROVENDE PUZZLE                 puzzle    .2014
                (Note : a puzzle (made with a paper shredder) that consists
                of tiny pieces of a poster of a duo exhibition by Vaast
                Colson and Dennis Tyfus titled "Break down the walls"")
UE      173     [DENNIS TYFUS & VAAST COLSON] WAAR WAS HET TE DOEN?     t-sh.     .2014
                (Note : t-shirt , 30 copies)
UE      174     DOG LADY ISLAND         VOM GRILL                       7"        .2014
                (Note : 7" , 1-sided , comes in a hand stamped sleeve,
                limited to 100 copies)
UE      175     V / A                   BRUISMELK 2014                  CS      06.2014

        1       Byron Coley             The Vice President is Open
        2       Idea Fire Company       Odette's Dream
        3       Samara Lubelski         Solo 2
        4       Good Area               Polite Conversation
        5       MIAUX                   Melting
        6       Dog Lady Island : Folk of the Dead Snake and Dry Ground
        7       X.0.4                   Excerpt
        8       MV Carbon               The Mystic
        9       Id M Theft Able : Tracing Her Finger Around the America Shape
        10      Grey Skull              Oh Yeah! Three Amigos
        11      Sunburned Hand of the Man : Dust
        12      Tsembla                 Taitettu Talo
        13      Chris Corsano           The Djinni & the Cold Lamp
        14      Dan Melchior            The Clattering of the Keys Mix 1
        15      Matt Krefting           I Told No One
        16      Vom Grill               Regenboogschieten
        17      Joshua Burkett          Recalled to Life / Plan C
        18      Preggy Peggy            I Want to Be Salt
        19      Kuupuu                  Softis
        20      Bromp Treb              Bun Sponge Dum Hunk
UE      176     V / A                   BRUISMELK NY                    CS        .2014
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
                (Note : book , 100 copies)
UE      178
UE      179     BILL ORCUTT : SQUARE CUNTS/NEW REMORSE                  7"        .2014

        A       Square Cunts
        B       New Remorse
                (Note : 7" , 250 numbered copies)
UE      180
UE      181     CASSIS CORNUTA          KRAMPEN VOOR BEGINNERS          LP      11.2014

        A1      17 Jaar De Gebraden Zwaan Zingt - Concert Op Radio
                Centraal (Ultra Korte 2014 Mix)
        A2      Extract 28 Jaar De Gebraden Zwaan Zingt
        A3      Krampen Voor Beginners (23.08.2013)
                (Note : LP , 1-sided 100 copies)
UE      182     DSR LINES               III-II                          LP      03.2015

        A1      5/1                                             12:24
        A2      6/1                                             02:50
        A3      6/5                                             05:51
        B1      5/4                                             08:49
        B2      6/6                                             05:09
        B3      5/5                                             07:04
                (Note :  LP , hand-numbered edition of 200 with sticker and inser)
UE      183
UE      184     V / A                   GHOSTRIDERS IN THE SKY          LP        .2014

        A1      Sjors Bral              Spookrijders in de Lucht
        A2      Blodfet & DJ Lonely : The Devils Herd Riding With Prophete One
        A3      Remörk                  Ghostriders in the Sky
        A4      Alessandro Bosetti      Ghostriders in the Sky
        A5      Tone Zones : Riders in the Sky (demo version)
        A6      Marty Ribbons           Ghostriders in the Sky
        A7      Montana Big Boys        Ghosts at the Wheel
        A8      Snorri Asmundsson : Ghostriders in the Sky (Arion Banks mix)
        B1      BJ Nilsen & Stilluppsteypa : Ghostriders in the Sky
        B2      Dan Melchior & Letha Rodman-Melchior : Ghostriders in the Sky
        B3      Michael van den Abeele  Ghostriders in the Sky
        B4      The After Lucy Experiment : Ghostriders in the Sky
        B5      Mittland Och Leo        Ghostriders in the Sky
        B6      Ogon Batto              Ghostbusters
UE      185
UE      186     VOM GRILL : OPGENOMEN VERANTWOORDELIJKHEDEN             LP      12.2015

        A       A Whole Lot Of It
        B       Jan Broeder / Verlengde Reisgids

(Note : LP ,  limited to 220 numbered copies with 11 various- sized inserts)

        A1      Panic Quickly (Long Overdue)
        A2      Must Leave Water Alone
        A3      Pain Red Orange Yellow Turns Blue
        A4      Cold Grey Fish Eyes
        A5      Mirror My New Face
        A6      Great Garbo
        B1      Pink Blanket (White Nor Black)
        B2      I Remember London
        B3      Slow Roman Roundabout
        B4      Deserted Dutch Village
        B5      Parisian Writer's Block
        B6      Max Fleischer's Toothbrush Moustache

(Note : LP , ed. of 200 with sticker and hand-numbered insert by Dennis Tyfus)
UE      188
UE      189     FLUWELEN KOORD          FLUWELEN KOORD                  CDR     11.2014

        1       Godverdoeme
        2       Theme Song
        3       Luxepoesjes
        4       Beat Van Verdriet
        5       Walking After Midnight
        6       Gewoon Roemel
                (Note : CDR , 35 copies)
UE      190     DENNIS TYFUS/VERLEDEN TIJDSBESTEDING : ART BOOK         book    12.2014
                (Note : 320 p. book)
UE      191     DAN MELCHIOR            HAPPINESS IS OVERRATED          LP      03.2015

        A       Happiness Is Over Rated
        B       LDRM
                (Note : LP , 200 hand-numb. copies)
UE      192
UE      193     SPEEDQUEEN              NEW WAVE COPY CENTER            7"      05.2015

        A       New Wave Copy Centre
        B       How Is Your Popo
                (Note : 7"/45 RPM , 150 copies)
UE      194     [THE VERBODEN BOYS] recycled t-shirt                    t-sh      .2015
UE      195     KRAUS : I COULD DESTROY YOU WITH A SINGLE THOUGHT       LP      09.2015

        A1      Coronation Song
        A2      Dear Giulietta
        A3      Wolfram
        A4      I Am A Worm
        A5      Sacroiliac Night 
        B1      Strike Like The Snake
        B2      I Love You, I'm Sorry
        B3      Fruit Of The Void
        B4      Saturday Night Hubris
        B5      Making An Eye
                (Note : LP 200 hand-numb. copies)
UE      196     MIAUX                   ABOVE THE HIGH RAYS             C25     08.2015

        A1      Above The High Rays                             12:10
        B1      Above The High Rays                             12:10
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)

12"     Feeding Tube    FTR 193         2015    US
UE      197     FLUWELEN KOORD          LUXE POESJES                    7"      01.2016

        A       Luxepoesjes
        B       Ingeblikt Miszprijzen

(Note : limited to 200 copies, stamped artwork by Dennis Tyfus)
UE      198     DSRlines                ANALOGIE VAN DE DAGERAAD        LP      01.2016

        A1      Ontwaakt (startraag)                            08:47
        A2      - sphinx I                                      01:22
        A3      Gamla Png                                       05:41
        A4      Ochtendgloren                                   06:38
        B1      Dauwdaling                                      07:08
        B2      Rotor                                           03:17
        B3      - sphinx II                                     06:04
        B4      Verstrooiing                                    06:03

(Note : limited to 300 copies, comes in a duo tone offset printed cover by DT and
        a insert)

CS      JJ House        JJ 006          2015    BE

A.      1.      A1                                              13:19
        2.      A2                                              05:57
B.      3.      B1                                              05:54
        4.      B2                                              12:51

(Note : limited to 300 copies, comes in a off set printed sleeve with collage art by
        DT, and 2 inserts with liner notes by Byron Coley)
UE      200
UE      201     [18 YEARS ULTRA ECZEMA]                                 t-sh      .2016

"Third (or fourth) t-shirt made collaboratively by Italy's Canedicoda and DT. Any
reason is good enough to keep this long-distance flame burning - this time, it's to
commemorate UE's 18th birthday party at Les Ateliers Claus in Brussels which took
place on 19 September 2015.
Limited edition of 30, available in large, medium, small"

UE      203     DENNIS TYFUS : "Do you want to go on a date with me?    book      .2016
                 ... No? ... Let's just be friends, then?"

"This publication was produced on the occasion of the exhibition 'Do you want to go 
on a date with me? ... No? ... Let's just be friends, then?' at Kunsthalle Sao Paulo,
Brazil. [29 October - 28 November 2015; curated by Marina Coelho]

Both the short story and title are based on the front cover photo collage. This is the
first time DT wrote a short story, and it might also be the last time.

20 pages Riso printed with gloss cover.
Limited edition of 100 numbered copies."

UE      205     AF URSIN                CLASSEMENT VERTICAL             LP      07.2016

        A1.     The Shade Of Jazz To Come                       19:55
        B1.     Kind Of Black                                   06:32
        B2      Mistake Five                                    13:30

(Note : LP , limited to 300 copies, includes 12"x12" insert)

UE      207     REMORK                  PRINCIPIUM 2.1                  LP      07.2016

        1.      A1
        2.      A2
        3.      B1
        4.      B2

(Note : LP , limited to 200 copies, includes insert with liner notes by Rem”rk)
UE      208     NOOR                    WONT TO WANTON EYEBATH          7"      05.2019

        A       Wont To Wanton Eyebath
        B       Synapse Fusion Refusal

(Note : 7" , 200 copies , Embossed cardboard sleeve with an insert/lyric sheet)
UE      209     MIAUX                   HIDEAWAY                        LP      11.2016

        A1      Laguna
        A2      Polyester
        A3      Alptraum
        B1      Something Happened
        B2      Slow Walks
        B3      Midnight Snack
        B4      Tropic of Cancer
                (Note : LP , 400 copies on white vinyl + insert)
UE      210     PETER FENGLER           VEGETARIANS                     7"        .2016

        A       Vegetarians
                (Note : 7" , 1-sided , 114 copies)
UE      211
UE      212
UE      213     BLAASTAAL               DE PAARDENMARKT                 LP      11.2016

        A       De Paardenmarkt
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 150 numb. copies)
UE      214     BART DE PAEPE           STEKENE                         LP      10.2016

        A1      Dwaallichten In De Houtkachel
        A2      Ongrijpbare Ultra-Violette Dimensies
        A3      Pijkeren Poes
        B1      In De Monty
        B2      Schedelbloemen Bloeien In De Winter
        B3      Onderweg
        B4      Analoge Molecule
                (Note : LP , 200 copies on translucent splattered orange vinyl)
UE      215     DENNIS TYFUS            SUMMER WHINE                    book      .2016

"A visual report of sorts, collecting 64 full-color drawings from the past six months
or so. These drawings were intended as working sketches for paintings, though the
latter never materialised. Instead, you can ponder what might've been in the privacy
of your own home. This compendium of unrealised potential is offset printed and clad
in a beautiful letterpress linen cover. Ed. of 500.
UE      216
UE      217     REMORK                  PRINCIPIUM 2.1                  LP        .2016

        A1      Untitled
        A2      Untitled
        B1      Untitled
        B2      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      218     BAZUINSCHAL             BAZUINGESCHAL                   LP      11.2018

        1.      Untitled
        2.      Untitled
        3.      Untitled
        4.      Untitled
        5.      Untitled
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      219     CANNIBAL                CANNIBAL                        LP        .2017

        A       Untitled
        B       Untitled
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
UE      220     DENNIS TYFUS : HIER! (EN U?) NIEMAND WACHT DRAAG        7"+bk     .2016

        A       Untitled
                (Note : 7" , 1-sided , plexy lathe cut + book)

Book (die-cut cover, gilded edges) and plexy lathe-cut single (pro-cut, screenprinted
on the non-playing side) in a bespoke cloth-covered box. This edition was produced in
conjunction with the work 'Hier rust Dennis Tyfus'-a commission for the '11 kunstenaars
tegen de muur' outdoors exhibition in Antwerp that opened on 1 July of the year 2016
at 6pm! This book was presented at Ercola (Wolstraat 31, Antwerp) on the very same
night, between 6 and 9 pm, accompanied by a live concert by Rem”rk who played 'De
Vogeltjesdans' in a longer, different version than the church/death march one on the
7" in this fancy box!
The book incl. photos of Dennis Tyfus, and all the paperwork for the pre-arrangements
for his funeral, plus his legally-authenticated will. Ed of 150.
UE      222



UE      225


UE      228     HIELE MARTENS           LIPS                            LP      05.2017

        A1      Introductie (After Marin Marais)
        A2      Dagdroom
        A3      Intermezzo (Small Variations On A Theme Of Spencer Clark)
        A4      Spel
        A5      Vrij
        A6      Victoria's Secret
        A7      Lezing
        A8      Besluit
                (Note : LP , 1-sided)
UE      229     PLEXI GLANDZ            THE 4TH DEMENTION               LP      11.2018

        1.      Verveling demo
        2.      Wait Time
        3.      I Hate
        4.      Pretty Depressive
        5.      Lech Ma
        6.      Tonight
        7.      Intro
        8.      Déjeuner Sur l'Herbe
        9.      To Hot
        10.     Sooner Or Later
                (Note : LP , 300 copies + insert)
UE      230
UE      231     (DENIS TYFUS-BEDWAYS IS BESTWAYS)                       Pcards    .2017

"Thirty-four individually-titled postcards, drawn in bed by Dennis Tyfus. Housed
in a handy cardboard box. Limited to 163 copies"
UE      232     [NO CHOICE TATTOO]                                      voucher   .2017

There's 4 different cards, one for 80 euro, one for 100 euro, one for 150 euro and
one for 200 euro. The cards are Riso Printed at Risiko Press."

UE      234     DOG LADY ISLAND         CHOPIN                          LP      05.2017

        A1      Nocturne Op. 9, Nr. 1
        A2      Nocturne Op. 15, Nr. 3
        A3      Prelude Op. 28, Nr. 2
        A4      Prelude Op. 28, Nr. 4
        B1      Nocturne Op. 27, Nr. 1
        B2      Nocturne Op. 55, Nr. 1
        B3      Prelude Op. 28, Nr. 6
        B4      Nocturne Op. 37, Nr. 1
                (Note : LP , 300 copies + insert)
UE      235     OREN AMBARCHI/CRYS COLE/LEIF ELGGREN : S/T              LP      11.2018

        1.      Side A
        2.      Side B
                (Note : LP , 300 copies + insert)
UE      236     ALBERT MAYR             DROP STUDIES                    LP        .2017

        A       Drop Studis
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , numbered)
UE      237     CANED ICODA & DENNIS TYFUS : "NO FILTER"                sweater   .2017

"The deal is still on : every time Caned Icoda (Milan - based artist, fashion
designer, musician, furniture futurist, Ghandi lookalike) and Dennis Tyfus (Antwerp
based massagist, cheese fetishist, eater, aansteller, pole dancer, Joris Goorden
lookalike) meet up, they produce an edition together. T hese editions often take
the form of T-shirts bearing collaborative drawings and paintings, though the first
such endeavourwas in fact a cassette. But let’s not digress; this blurb is about
a sweater and it’s nearly summertime. The latest edition commemorates the birth of
the NO FILTER crew (see what they did there?), an international cabal of sly
experts, with a hooded dark grey hooded sweater silkscreened in four colours."
UE      238     DENNIS TYFUS : Op de rand van de marginaliteit & de     book      .2017
                internationale doorbraak

"In April 2017 the Antwerp Letterenhuis, a museum and archive that collects the
letters and archives of predominantly Belgian writers, invited artist initiative
Pinkie Bowtie to be part of their Letterenhuisfestival: a celebration of words,
language, and the occasional watermelon . To mark this event, each of Pinkie Bowtie’s
founders created and performed a piece in-situ at their Wolstraat gallery. Dennis
Tyfus’ contribution is a collection of his recent poems, presented in this book and
entirely in Flemish." Limited to 150 copies.
UE      239     DENNIS TYFUS            UP AND DOWNGRADES PT.1          book      .2017

A4; full-colour offset print
Layout by Jef Cuypers ; introduction by Allon Kaye
UE      240     THE RAMONE              THE RAMONE                      LP      10.2017

        A1      Blitzkrieg Bop
        A2      Beat On The Brat
        A3      Judy Is A Punk
        A4      I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
        A5      Chain Saw
        A7      I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement
        B1      Loudmouth
        B2      Havana Affair
        B3      Listen To My Heart
        B4      53rd & 3rd
        B5      Let's Dance
        B6      I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
        B7      Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World
                (Note : LP , 150 copies + booklet)
UE      241     STILLUPPSTEYPA          BEACH JOLANDA                   LP      06.2018

        A1      Denise
        A2      Wonderful to Communicate
        A3      Coco Butter Locomotione
        A4      Large Private Area
        A5      CD Soundsystem
        A6      Dusty Hofmann LSD
        B1      Boney Nilson
        B2      Fried Omiley Marbles
        B3      Make it Snappy Pool Boy
        B4      Man-Made Waste
        B5      San Dali
        B6      Pink Small Bag
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)

Belgian imprint Ultra Eczema release this weird-ass record by Icelandic group
Stilluppsteypa. Beach Jolanda is more like a late-night radio mix than a regular LP.

        A       Locked Up In November Dreaming
        B       Crepuscule With Drunk Wrestler
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)


UE      245     MIAUX                   HIDEAWAY-DIVE                   CD      03.2018

        1       Laguna
        2       Polyester
        3       Alptraum
        4       Something Happened
        5       Slow Walks
        6       Midnight Snack
        7       Tropic Of Cancer
        8       Revolver
        9       Ghost
        10      Waves
        11      Reverie Parallele
        12      Neon Glow
        13      Mare Adriatico




UE      250     UNCLE JIM               MY NIECE'S PIERCED KNEES        7"flx.  10.2018

        A       My Niece's Pierced Knees
                (Note : 7" flexi disc)

UE      252     SPELEOCOMBO             SPELEOCOMBO SPEELT VU           7"      04.2019

        A       Daar Gaat Zij (There She Goes Again)
        B       Verleiding Schuilt (Temptation Inside Your Heart)
                (Note : 7" , 200 numb. copies)
UE      253     W. RAVENVEER : FUZZY HAIR ELECTRONICS VOL.1             LP      05.2018

        A1      Intro                                           0:13
        A2      Awakening In The Mud                            5:12
        A3      Rungler Speech Therapy                          2:51
        A4      Electronic Bongo Modular Joe                    6:03
        B1      Dripping In The Hallway                         5:34
        B2      Rungler Speech Therapy 2                        2:38
        B3      Where Is The End                                6:08
        B4      Outro                                           0:10
                (Note : LP , 250 hand-numb. copies)
UE      254     FRANK HURRICANE         PYMP WORLD                      LP      05.2019

        A1      Intro
        A2      Pymp World
        A3      Love Is In My Room Today
        A4      Holy Ocmulgee
        A5      Pympin Classically
        A6      Cali Love
        A7      If I Stay There Tonight (I Know I'll See A Ghost)
        A8      Thinkin Bout Stephen King
        A9      Fast Shrympin
        B1      Lady I Met Up In Town
        B2      Don't Be A Puller
        B3      Strange Town Blues
        B4      Who U Is?
        B5      Biblical Dinner Theater
        B6      I Love Tha Rain
        B7      Outro

        A1      Masterclass

A masterclass in linguistics and a repeat reminder of the trouble one can get into
when carrying a name that is either too long, too short or too complicated for most
tongues to twist around.
The screen printed image on the flipside holds the key to this mystery. (And if you
squint at it for a while it might also reveal Paul McCartney’s real identity.)
Limited edition of 150 copies. Includes a bent piece of leftover screen printed
carboard and a sticker. 1-sided.
UE      256     MIAUX                   BLACK SPACE, WHITE CLOUD        LP      09.2019

        A1      Orange Impromptu
        A2      Hullabaloo
        A3      Bal(l)ad Bucolique
        A4      Lunar Surface
        B1      Sea Smoke
        B2      Hot Glue
        B3      Avalanche
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
UE      257     BLAKE HARGREAVES : Improvisations On The Pipe Organs    LP+DLc  12.2019
                Of Europe
                (Note : LP , 300 copies. Incl. A4 insert and download code)

1.  Prelude at Chiesa di San Filippo Neri, Genova               02:53
2.  Minuet at Justinuskirche, Hochst                            04:30
3.  Berceuse at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet, Paris              04:28
4.  Rondo at Evangelische-Lutherse Kerk, Den Haag               04:42
5.  Noel at Lindenkirche, Berlin                                03:17
6.  Serenade at Saint-Louis-en-l’Île, Paris                     03:56
7.  Nocturne at Bazilika sv Petra a Pavla, Praha                05:22
8.  Plainte at Ávilai Nagy Szent Teréz-plébániatemplom, Budapest04:45
9.  Meditation at KunstKulturKirche Allerheiligen, Frankfurt    04:49
UE      258     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.01.2019            C60     02.2019

        A1      King Charles Head       Untitled
        A2      DSR Lines               Untitled
        A3      Grey Skull              Untitled
        A4      Zero Positives          Untitled
        A5      Jäy Condom* & Gärs Panter : Untitled
        A6      Serge Gainsbourg        Untitled
        A7      Menstruation Sisters    Untitled
        A8      Marcelle Van Bemmel     Untitled
        A9      Guillaume Bijl          Untitled
        A10     LD50                    Untitled
        A11     TUOB                    Untitled
        B1      Church Police           Untitled
        B2      Wannes Van De Velde     Untitled
        B3      AGOG                    Untitled
        B4      Radio Centraal Jingles  Untitled
        B5      Catalogue               Untitled
        B6      Pascal Commelade        Untitled
        B7      Michael Van Den Abeele  Untitled
        B8      Cotton Casino           Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 72 copies)
UE      259     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.02.2019            C90     02.2019

        A1      Jacky                   Untitled
        A2      Zbolk                   Untitled
        A3      Gust Gils               Untitled
        A4      Sunburned Elephants     Untitled
        A5      Karaoke In China        Untitled
        A6      Kraus                   Untitled
        A7      George Smits            Untitled
        A8      Jack The Rapper         Untitled
        A9      Jörg Schlick & Megabody : Untitled
        A10     Dj Pinchado             Untitled
        A11     Stilluppsteypa          Untitled
        A12     Erik van Lieshout       Untitled
        A13     Emmanuel Dilhac         Untitled
        A14     Michael Snow            Untitled
        A15     Domingo Cura            Untitled
        A16     Outro                   Untitled
        B1      Bona Valesco            Untitled
        B2      Stan & Ajam             Untitled
        B3      Soft Focus              Untitled
        B4      The Noisepickers        Untitled
        B5      Hermann Nitsch          Untitled
        B6      Ballet Ramayana         Untitled
        B7      Daniel Op Aarde         Untitled
        B8      Hewald Jongenelis       Untitled
        B9      Renée Simons            Untitled
        B10     Nato                    Untitled
        B11     DDAA                    Untitled
        B12     Jack The Rapper         Untitled
        B13     AK37                    Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 80 copies)
UE      260     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.03.2019            C90     03.2019

        A1      Cees Buddingh'          Untitled
        A2      Erik Thys               Untitled
        A3      Simpletones             Untitled
        A4      Crystal Thoughts        Untitled
        A5      Nato                    Untitled
        A6      Blod                    Untitled
        A7      Eartha Kitt             Untitled
        A8      Orchid Spangiafora      Untitled
        A9      De Blenders             Untitled
        B1      De Kommeniste           Untitled
        B2      Tornaado                Untitled
        B3      Plexigladz              Untitled
        B4      Oscar Abril Ascaso      Untitled
        B5      La Banda's              Untitled
        B6      RTVS                    Untitled
        B7      Pequod                  Untitled
        B8      The Embryo Surveyors    Untitled
        B9      Bill Orcutt             Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 80 copies)
UE      261     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.04.2019            C90     04.2019

        A1      Anders Vestergaard & Niklas Adam : Untitled	
        A2      Yves Rensonnet & The Wireless Waves : Untitled
        A3      Aiko Suzuki             Untitled
        A4      Fritz Müller & Band     Untitled
        A5      Frank Köllges           Untitled
        A6      Stine Janvin Motland    Untitled
        A7      Sete Star Sept          Untitled
        A8      Dennis Tyfus            Untitled
        A9      Agnes Hvizdalek         Untitled
        A10     H.N.A.S.                Untitled
        A11     S' Muzik XX             Untitled
        A12     Daisuke Suzuki          Untitled
        B1      Neoplast                State Of Sabotage Anthem
        B2      Insekten Sekt/Resistentie Orkest/Deskundologisch
                Laboratorium            Untitled
        B3      Erkin Koray             Untitled
        B4      Michael Barthel         Untitled
        B5      Rev. 33                 Untitled
        B6      Franz Graf              Untitled
        B7      Instant Composers Pool  Untitled
        B8      Furious Pig             Untitled
        B9      Maurice Lemaitre        Untitled
        B10     Étant Donnés            Untitled
        B11     Augusto Concato         Untitled
        B12     Lary Seven : Washing Machines At The Funny Farm
                (Note : cassette , 80 copies)
UE      262     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.05.2019            C90     05.2019

        A1      Ernst Jandl             Untitled
        A2      Liz Durette             Untitled
        A3      Embassador Dulgoon      Untitled
        A4      Jean-Marie Massou       Untitled
        A5      Bart De Paepe           Untitled
        A6      Phil Blankenship        Untitled
        A7      Avoiddance              Untitled
        A8      Catalogue               Untitled
        A9      Little Howlin Wolf      Untitled
        A10     Gedichtje Van Marijke   Untitled
        B1      The Alma Band           Untitled
        B2      Diana Rogerson          Untitled
        B3      Lunsentrio Feat. Sarah Gonputh : Untitled
        B4      Reifenstahl             Untitled
        B5      The Parels              Untitled
        B6      Mae Haera               Untitled
        B7      Pompeo Stillo & The Companions : Untitled
        B8      Captain Maurice Seddon  Untitled
        B9      Gerogerigegege          Untitled
        B10     Kristian Poulsen        Untitled
UE      263     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.06.2019            C90     06.2019

        A1      Mike Diana              Untitled
        A2      Jonas Mekas             Untitled
        A3      Bob & Lou               Untitled
        A4      Gargles From Ipanema    Untitled
        A5      Max Berlin              Untitled
        A6      Crass                   Untitled
        A7      Bobby Colombo           Untitled
        A8      Wojciech Rusin          Untitled
        A9      Boudewijn De Groot      Untitled
        A10     Butthole Surfers        Untitled
        A11     Attempt                 Untitled
        A12     Ze Barbies              Untitled
        A13     Marcel Van Maele        Untitled
        B1      Flup B.                 Untitled
        B2      David Medalla           Untitled
        B3      Porkchoco               Untitled
        B4      Leo Coomans             Untitled
        B5      Edgar Wappenhalter      Untitled
        B6      RR                      Untitled
        B7      AMVK                    Untitled
        B8      Bryan Ruryk             Untitled
        B9      JB Slik* & Ultraviolet  Untitled
        B10     Colunst                 Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 83 copies)
UE      264     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.07.2019            C60     07.2019

        A1      Dysuria                 Untitled
        A2      DMH                     Untitled
        A3      Rubbish Heap 90210      Untitled
        A4      Schurft                 Untitled
        A5      PZ3 Lokomotief          Untitled
        A6      The Nosepickers         Untitled
        B1      The Nosepickers         Untitled
        B2      PZ3 Lokomotief          Untitled
        B3      De Mensenbeul           Untitled
        B4      The Nosepickers         Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 83 copies)
UE      265     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.08.2019            C90     08.2019

        A1      Die Scheissers          Untitled
        A2      Lily Monnaie            Untitled
        A3      Hiatus                  Untitled
        A4      Melissa Van Acker       Untitled
        A5      Dry Weave               Untitled
        A6      Lisa Del Bolation       Untitled
        A7      Dirk Martens            Untitled
        A8      Hazel Myers             Untitled
        A9      Keith Hudson            Untitled
        A10     NEET                    Untitled
        A11     Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers : Untitled
        A12     Pleasure                Untitled
        A13     Spike Jones             Untitled
        A14     Kevin Ayers             Untitled
        A15     The Art Blakey Percussion Ensemble : Untitled
        A16     Skatta                  Untitled
        A17     Edward Neil             Untitled
        A18     Buzzy Drootin           Untitled
        B1      John Lennon & Yoko Ono : Untitled
        B2      PZ3 Lokomotief          Untitled
        B3      Paul McCartney          Untitled
        B4      Paul McCartney          Untitled
        B5      Orkest De Volharding    Untitled
        B6      Osojnik -Engelmayr-Faes - Kern : Untitled
        B7      George Harrison         Untitled
        B8      Johan Cornelissen       Untitled
        B9      Yzeren Ui               Untitled
        B10     Colette Roper           Untitled
        B11     WIM Fanfare             Untitled
        B12     Girls On Fire           Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 83 copies)
UE      266     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.09*.2019           C90     09.2019

        A1      Holefiller              Untitled
        A2      Orkest Mxcombo & Friends : Untitled
        A3      De Vliegende Plant      Untitled
        B1      Wim De Bie              Untitled
        B2      Laurie Anderson         Untitled
        B3      Ricardo Deacan          Untitled
        B4      Negative Gears          Untitled
        B5      Frank Hurricane         Untitled
        B6      David Peel & The Lower East Side : Untitled
        B7      Mike Zinzen & Paul Dumont : Untitled
        B8      Mikhail Chekalin        Untitled
        B9      Justine Grillet & Mathias Mu : Untitled
        B10     Charles Conord          Untitled
        B11     Still House Plants      Untitled
        B12     Nicole Van Den Plas     Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 83 copies)
UE      267     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.10.2019            C90     10.2019

        A1      Attila The Stockbroker : Intro	
        A2      Danielle Dax            Untitled
        A3      Ben Bertrand            Untitled
        A4      Leighton Craig          Untitled
        A5      Shahzad Ali Ismaily     Untitled
        A6      Bear Bones Lay Low      Untitled
        A7      Derroll Adams           Untitled
        A8      Max Combo & Linda Greeve : Untitled	
        A9      Daniele De Santis       Untitled
        A10     Robert Wyatt            Untitled
        B1      Cassix                  Untitled
        B2      Gabbro                  Untitled
        B3      Hasil Adkins            Untitled
        B4      C                       Untitled
        B5      The Electric Prunes     Untitled
        B6      Unknown Artist : Funeral Brass Band & Sounds Of Port Au Prince
        B7      Varkenshond             Untitled
        B8      David Edren             Untitled
        B9      Clara Rockmore          Untitled
        B10     Romperayo               Untitled
        B11     Blidzoids               Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 90 copies)
UE      268     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.11.2019            C90     11.2019

        A1      Félix Blume             Untitled
        A2      Zoltan Jeney            Untitled
        A3      Laszlo Sary             Untitled
        A4      John Bence              Untitled
        A5      Claude Ledoux           Untitled
        A6      Art Zoyd                Untitled
        A7      Charles Loos            Untitled
        A8      Tod Dockstader          Untitled
        A9      Taller De Musica Mundana :  Untitled
        B1      Karl Holmqvist          Untitled
        B2      JAB                     Untitled
        B3      Gerhard Rühm            Untitled
        B4      Samm Bennett            Untitled
        B5      Plonsky                 Untitled
        B6      Los Punk Rockers        Los Exitos De Sex Pistols
        B7      Grow-Up                 Untitled
        B8      O.R.A.V.                Untitled
        B9      Temple City Kazoo Orchestra : Sprach Kazoostra
        B10     Ennio Morricone         Untitled
        B11     Vielleichtors           Untitled
        B12     Brannten Schnüre        Untitled
        B13     Anna Ricci              Untitled
        B14     Jonas Palm              Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 90 copies)
UE      269     V / A                   ZILVERUITJES.12.2019            C90     12.2019

        A1      Bill Nace               Untitled
        A2      David Shrigley          Untitled
        A3      Ensemble Phoenix Basel + Jérome Noetinger : Untitled
        A4      Attersee                Untitled
        A5      Stefan Neville & Greg Malcolm : Untitled
        A6      Gaute Granli            Untitled
        A7      Manchester Mekon        Untitled
        A8      Mahendra Kapoor         Untitled
        A9      John Bock               Untitled
        A10     Unknown Artist          Makedonske Horo
        A11     Artists                 Untitled
        B1      Gerard Kornelis Van Het Reve : Untitled
        B2      Fabien Collin           Untitled
        B3      Steve Marreyt & Lieven Martens Moana : Untitled
        B4      Valie Export & Monsti Wiener : Bananen
        B5      Chris Lunch & Frieder Butzmann : Untitled
        B6      Knotmees                Untitled
        B7      Grupo San Francisko De Asis : Donde Esta El Kamino
        B8      Vom Grill               Untitled
        B9      Prah Tao                Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 75 copies)
UE      270
UE      271
UE      272
UE      273
UE      274     IGNATZ & DE STERVENDE HONDEN : DEADBEAT FREEDOM         LP      09.2019

        A1      Burning Snow
        A2      The Wrong Tree
        B1      Deadbeat Freedom
        B2      Sweet Dream Ice Cream
        B3      Qibo
                (Note : LP , 600 copies on blue vinyl)
UE      275     CASSINI DIVISION        ETA CARINAE                     LP        .2020

        A1      Eta Argus
        A2      Eccentric Orbits
        A3      Humunculus Nebula
        A4      The Great Eruption
        A5      Circumpolar Star
        A6      Rigel
        B1      Eta Carinae Fugue
        B2      Ultraviolet Wavengtht
        B3      Sigma Orionis
                (Note : LP , 200 copies)
UE      276     RTVS                    1981-2001...APPROXIMATELY       LP        .2019

        A1      Intro
        A2      Ontvangt Free Music
        A3      Tom Tim
        A4      RTVS
        B1      Verschiedene Maxen
        B2      De Amuses
        B3      Sinfonie Energetic
        B4      Internetkraam
        B5      Rtvs Concert Mer Oa Mike Zinzen
        B6      Rudi Renson Solo Keyboard Music
                (Note : LP, 250 copies + 24 p. booklet)
UE      277     V / A                   DE NOR 2019                     CS      09.2019

        A1      Daniel Higgs            Untitled
        A2      Native Instrument       For The Beach
        A3      Jon Doe One             Blokfluit Bonanza
        A4      Annelies Monseré        Hold Music III
        A5      Margarida Garcia        Untitled
        A6      Chris Corsano - Richard Youngs - David Maranha : 
                Auto-corrected To Prison
        A7      Joe Talia & Eiko Ishibashi : Live
        A8      Merope With Jauna Muzika : Bitinélis
        A9      Hanne De Backer & Karen Willems : Untitled
        A10     Mathieu Serruys         Untitled
        A11     Christina Vantzou       Shepard Clouds Maths
        A12     Lieven Martens Moana    Openingszin
        A13     Cocaine Piss            Tequila
        A14     Eric Copeland           All Together Now
        A15     Mia Prce : Kolika Je Jahorina Planina
        A16     R. Vhoorspel            Leest Kees Pempers
        B1      Koen Roggen : Untitledvarious - Unknownbeesconcerto II
        B2      Penus                   Penuselleboog
        B3      Cylene                  Nor
        B4      Velma Spell             Live
        B5      Battle-ax & Sophie      Methode
        B6      Milan W.                Buchla Jesters
        B7      Astor                   Human Resources
        B8      Al Fresco               Untitled
        B9      Condor Gruppe           Tequila
        B10     Brorlab                 Untitled
        B11     R. Vhoorspel            Leest Kees Pempers
UE      278
UE      279     BILL NACE               CLIPS                           LP      10.2019

        A       Untitled
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 45 numb. copies on clear vinyl)
UE      280     A NO CHOICE :  forty-course dinner for Dennis Tyfus’
                (40th birthday)

3 December 2019, Table Dance, Sint-Paulusplaats 25, 2000 Antwerp.
UE      281     DENNIS TYFUS:Taf(f)elend Dansen (Een Gefaalde Vondst)   book      .2019

This book collects all the leftovers, and was published on the occasion of Tyfus’
40th birthday which was celebrated with a NO CHOICE dinner — consisting of 40 courses
— on 3 December this year. A copy was given to every attendee alongside their menu.
Limited edition of 300 copies.
UE  282-288     (six stickers)                                          6stick    .2019

UE      282     'Vlaanderen Frans’
UE      283     ‘Vlaamderen’
UE      284     ‘Vlaamderen, je zegt toch ook niet Vlaningen’
UE      285     ‘De leeuw komt voor in Afrika en India’
UE      286     'De leeuw is een afrikaans dier' (not pictured, same design as
UE      287     'De leeuw komt voor in Afrika..)
UE      288     ‘Je veu mayonaise’
UE      289
UE      290     PIERRE ELITAIR'S DIGITISED CASSETTES                    LP      10.2020

        1.      Radio Ventraal (Fellatio Del Arte with Daniel
                De Wereldvermaarde Botanicus at Café Tom Tom,
                13/12/1985)                                     03:09
        2.      Poemp Oep De Soepap (198?)                      05:29
        3.      Ma Petite Fille (198?)                          05:14
        4.      Franse Kuskes (198?)                            04:34
        5.      Quand Un Gendarme Rit (Pierre Elitair & Max
                Combo Live at Radio Centraal) (198?)            05:35
        6.      Daniel Is Alleen Gaan Wonen (198?)              03:41
        7.      Jacqueline Misschien (198?)                     07:19
        8.      Het Zoad (200?)                                 03:50
        9.      Pierrot Croissant (199?)                        02:11

(Note : LP , limited edition of 300 copies with an etching in the run-out groove.
        Includes an insert with liner notes by Pierre Elitair and Kitty Lorus)
UE      291     HIELE                   SINGS                           LP      12.2020

        1.      Brain                                           06:01
        2.      Merged                                          03:58
        3.      Duo                                             02:12
        4.      Welcome Home                                    01:39
        5.      Neighbours                                      00:53
        6.      Cellissimo                                      00:58
        7.      Society                                         06:23
        8.      Gasse                                           01:38
        9.      Late Lament                                     03:05
        10.     Ballade                                         04:31

Limited edition of 300 copies. Includes a poster/insert, download code and
a UE sticker.

All music by Hiele.
Mixed at Studio De Ziltige Olijf in Antwerp.
All music by Hiele.
Recorded between '15 and '19 in different locations including a bedroom,
  EMS Stockholm, Worm and Willem Twee Studios. Mixed at Studio De Ziltige
  Olijf in Antwerp. Mastered by De Mey. Cut by Altstadt. Approved by Faes.
To be played very loud, with your windows wide open, late at night.
Artwork by Dennis Tyfus. Design by Jef Cuypers


UE      294     BRORLAB                 BRORLAB                         7"      11.2020

        A1      Pee Is The Solution                             0:51
        A2      Energy > Allergy                                0:56
        A3      Fruit Eating Ninja                              1:07
        A4      Football Is For Soccers                         0:53
        B5      Second Animation                                1:41
        B6      Explanations                                    1:09
        B7      Roll With The Punches                           1:03
        B8      Mister Watch                                    1:01
                (Note : 7"/45 RPM , hand printed)
UE      295     OGON BATTO              BROWSE                          LP+DLc  01.2021

        01      SAVE                                            2:58
        02      BROWSE                                          0:58
        03      GoTCHA                                          0:09
        04      GYM                                             0:53
        05      &                                               1:14
        06      SHAKE                                           2:57
        07      PuFF                                            0:09
        08      CRYING TIGER                                    4:08
        09      RITUAL PARK                                     2:33
        10      JETTY                                           1:26
        11      HOVER                                           1:54
        12      BLEACH                                          0:57
        13      OI!                                             0:21
        14      0!                                              0:13
        15      HARE                                            6:21
        16      BROWSE (vARIAL)                                 0:40
        17      EMPTY ORCHESTRA                                 1:22
        18      LEMON ROASTED SUNFLOWER SEEDS                   0:25
        19      BAR PRIESTESS                                   3:27
        20      WR0NG R00M                                      1:23
        21      WHIPPED CREAM                                   1:30
        22      POSTER GIRL                                     4:07
        23      LEFT                                            2:18

(Note : lim.ed. of 300 copies. Includes an insert, download code and a UE sticker)

UE      297     KRAUS                    GOLDEN BRAIN                   LP      12.2020

        1.      1000AD                                          03:21
        2.      An Arrow In The Haunch                          04:07
        3.      A Pudding Of Blood                              02:48
        4.      A Golden Brain                                  04:43
        5.      A Great Black Horse Covered With Silk           03:02
        6.      Pavilion Of The Maidens                         03:11
        7.      Morgana Le Fay’s Synthesizer Theme              02:41
        8.      Queen Of The Land Of Gorre                      05:27
        9.      Dish Of Silver Full Of Blood                    02:51
        10.     A Lady Horse                                    04:36

Limited edition of 300 copies. Includes an insert, download code and a UE sticker.

Kraus played synthesizer, guitar, bass, tape loops, sampler and percussion.
All songs written, performed, recorded, and mixed by Kraus at Pudding Island,
Auckland in 2019 and 2020, except "Queen of the Land of Gorre" recorded at Rocklands,
Auckland 2017.
"Then he hewed the brain in an hundred pieces, and when he had done so he took up
all those pieces, and threw them out at a window into the ditches of the castle."

Thanks to Damian Golfinopoulos, Kate Anderson, Kiran Dass, Sam Bradford, Chris
Cudby, Alice Sparrow, Andrew McLeod, Floris Vanhoof.

Mastered and cut by Frédéric Alstadt - Angstrom Mastering
Artwork by Dennis Tyfus
Design by Jef Cuypers
UE      298     ORPHAN FAIRYTALE        TITANIA MOON                    LP      10.2020

        1.      Melting Ice Giant                               11:28
        2.      Octopus In Orbit                                04:18
        3.      Titania                                         11:22
        4.      Luminous Creatures                              03:00

Limited ed. of 300 copies with an etching in the run-out groove. Includes an insert.
UE      299     GAUTE GRANLI            BLUSENS FASONG                  LP+DLc  04.2021

        a1      Generert Prosti
        a2      Vesaldrapen
        a3      Bonden
        a4      Vom
        b1      Blue Angels
        b2      Ani
        b3      Negative Bomber
        b4      Feige Lag
                (Note : LP , 300 copies + insert)
UE      300     V / A                   DE NOR 2020 ANTWERPEN           LP      01.2021

        A1      Lori Goldston           What You Can Hear From Here
        A2      Hiele                   Young And Joyful Bandit
        A3      Agnes Hvizdalek         Last Sunday
        A4      Nubots                  Reality 
        A5      Justine Grillet         Kinnara
        A6      Thurston Moore          Schaduwreis
        A7      Sami Bergold            Eurotech 3
        A8      Possessed Factory       Sven ,Casual (Edit)
        A9      Stacks                  Memory
        B1      David Erden             Ponemo
        B2      Aaron Dilloway & Lucrecia Dalt : The Monster Of Yesa
        B3      Ka Baird                Ebuza
        B4      Ben Bertrand            Homework 44
        B5      Miaux                   Zatvoren Zatvor
        B6      Lori Bevins             Llana
        B7      C.O.P.                  How To Write An Acceptance Speech
                (Note : LP , 600 copies)
UE      301
UE      302     DENNIS TYFUS/MILES AWAY : SKINS, BRAINS AND GUTS        10"       .2021

        01      Miles Away              Oi In Eupen Interlude 1
        02      Miles Away              Oi In Eupen Theme
        03      Miles Away              Oi In Eupen Interlude 2
        04      Miles Away              Oi In Eupen Main Theme
                (Note : 10" , 1-sided , 400 copies)
UE      303     ELKO BLIJWEERT          PRISON OF THE MIND              LP      10.2021

        1       Welkomstlied                                    2:29
        2       Ik Hoop Nog Steeds                              5:08
        3       Unbreakable Bars Of Steel                       2:45
        4       Lost And Forgotten                              4:03
        5       In Mijn Kamer                                   5:14
        6       Die Ene Ochtend                                 2:00
        7       Naar De Stortbaden                              3:25
        8       Borderline                                      4:08
        9       Alcohol Na Het Optreden                         4:13
        10      Toen Was Ik Vrij                                5:28
                (Note : LP , 400 copies on black vinyl)

Elko Blijweert re-creates a fabled live concert he performed at the Middelheim Museum
in Antwerp.

        1.      Heidenhain Shuffle
        2.      Height Of Noon
        3.      Saturday's Den
        4.      You Can't See Me
        5.      An Absolute Pleasure
        6.      Rubber Panda
                (Note : LP , 800 copies + insert)
















From: http://www.ultraeczema.com/releases/index.html